Ward School Bus Parts

Looking for parts for a Ward body
school bus?
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Air Conditioning
Crossing Arms
Driver Seats
Instruments & Gauges
Roof Hatches
Seat Belts
Seat Covers
Seat Foam
Special Needs
Stop Arms
Wheelchair Lift
More Info About Ward
For almost 60-years Ward was a popular name in the school bus industry. We still have many of the old parts books and wiring diagrams so that we can help you when you're rebuilding one of these units.
The Ward Type C conventional began production in the 1930's and there are still many of them on the road today.
Ward went bankrupt in 1979, but many parts are still available for these buses.
Later owners of the old company produced buses carrying the Ward nameplate until 1992.

The Ward Patriot model was an interesting combination of the GM conventional chassis and transit bus appearance.
Ward purchased conventional chassis from GM, removed the cowl, and built a bus body over the engine.

The Patriot was first produced in about 1982 and continued until around 1991 when GM discontinued its chassis.

The Ward Senator and President transit style buses were produced on IH, GM, and Asia-Smith chassis.

Ward produced Type A small buses in the low and high headroom styles.
The bus shown at left was the high headroom model known as the Vanguard Highboy.
These buses were produced with GM, Dodge, and Ford chassis.

Ward began their early Type A production with this low headroom van conversion.
It was named the Vanguard Lowboy and it was phased out of production in the 1990's.
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